Environmental impact
Concerned about the impact that our products (
battery and charger ) can have on the environment, we want to inform you about the collection systems for the "Déchets d'Équipements Électriques et Électroniques" ( Electrical and Electronical Waste / DEEE ).
What to do when your computer battery or your laptop charger reaches the end of life? You can :
- Either use the collection system set up on your town (waste, collection of proximity)
- Or bring your old device when purchasing a new (recovery 1 to 1 from the distributor)
What is DEEE ?
Recycling batteries and chargersThese are all devices using electric power (AC,
cells or batteries ):
- household appliances
- computing
- telephony
- hi-fi and video
- tools (DIY and gardening)
- the toys
- Heating and air conditioning
- Battery and
computer charger
Alongside metal and plastic, DEEE may contain pollutants or hazardous to health such as cadmium, lead, mercury, refrigerants or asbestos.
This is also why the EU decided in 2003 to regulate to ensure recovery of these pollutants and to limit the damage to the health and the environment.
How does it work ?
Consumers should not discard the product with household waste. They must be brought into the collection system and adequate treatment.
The manufacturers of the products themselves must contribute to one of the four organizations recognized by the
Government: Ecosystemes, which weighs 70% of the appliance market in France, EcoLogic (15-20%), ERP (10%) and
Récylum, which has a monopoly for the lamps and bulbs. These agencies will, thanks to the funds raised
to organize the collection, sorting and treatment of waste.
Eco body decides its operation and may itself choose to use external providers to perform operations of collection and treatment / recycling.
joint subsidiary of the four eco-organizations,
OCAD3E is the Authorised Body Coordinator for DEEE:
- Single window : connects communities with eco-organizations
- Sign a contractual agreement with the community
- Guarantee the removal of DEEE in all circumstances
- Ensures the proper functioning of the sector
How much does it cost ?
The amount of the manufacturer's contribution varies by property. No schedule has been officially set (competition). Indication here is an excerpt from the price list Eco-systems:
- Monitor or TV over 32 inches : 8 -
- Monitor or TV under 20 inches: - 1
- Computer CPU: - 1
- Laptop : 0,30-
- Mobile phone: 0,01 -
- Hi-Fi : 0,50-
- Raclette : 0,50 -
- Refrigerator: 13 -
The OCAD3E SAS is authorized to offset the costs of the selective collection of household DEEE supported by local authorities.
The household DEEE sector started on 15 November 2006.
Since then, the contribution must be displayed when there is a sale of products, the return proccess
must be operational, communities must be able to sign contracts with the coordinating body and be collected.
Now, it is just up to you that your
battery of charger or computer finnish it's life in the right place!
Recycling batteries and chargers